Recycling Plastic Facts You Need to Know

Take a look at the underside of any plastic container or bottle. A number between 1 and 7 is located inside the "chasing arrows" logo. This number tells you what type of plastic the container is made from. Some plastics can be recycled easily, while others are more difficult to recycle. Most municipal recycling facilities will only accept plastics 1 and 2. What happens to plastics 3-7? These plastics are collected at some recycling facilities until enough is available to be sent to larger facilities that recycle these types. Plastics 3-7 go to other recycling facilities. This is the same as what would happen at your home if you didn’t have a handy recycling bin. It goes to the landfill or the Pacific’s Plastic Continent.

For More Info : Plastic Bottle Recycling Machine 


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